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The Florilegium: Rainforest Species at Risk


Hey guys,

Exciting news! The Florilegium Society of the Royal Botanic Gardens (which I am so chuffed to be member of) has their latest project coming up for Exhibition in Sydney very soon. Next week, in fact. And what is extra cool is that the Exhibition will be the inaugural exhibition of the Sydney Royal Botanic Garden's brand new 'Garden Gallery' in the refurbished Robert Brown building. I can't wait to see the exhibition myself!

I have two paintings to be included in this exhibition as my previous painting contributed (to the florilegium's 'Botanic Endeavor' project) is also listed as an endangered rainforest species and so qualifies to hang again (hooray!). The second painting of mine to be included is a new one- the Illawarra Flame tree that many of you would have seen me slaving away over at the end of last year (if you follow me on insta that is... which you definitely should do! haha!) And I am so excited because this particular painting was selected to be one of three images used for the promotion of this very exhibition! If you've been near the Sydney Botanic Garden's lately perhaps you've seen the banners with my work on it?? (Please send me a pic!) WOW! That painting was a LOT of work and it's so awesome to have it accepted into the collection at all let alone have it splashed on banners, in newsletters and across the internet too!

For all the details on seeing the exhibition yourself you can click here. I will be at Opening Night with bells on and very excited to see the stunning work that the Society has pulled together this time.

Lauren xx

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Lauren May SK | Artist/Illustrator

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