Hi there!
Just dropping in to let you know about a couple of excellent botanical/ natural history art exhibitions coming up that I also have the pleasure of exhibiting my work in! And when I say they're coming up, I mean FAST because they're both in April!
The first exhibition on is a local one for fellow Novocastrians (love it!). 'The Natural History and Illustration' exhibition will be held at CStudios Art Gallery with Opening Night on Friday the 16th April 2021. Details can be found here. I'll certainly be heading along for Opening Night to catch up with a number of my fellow Natural History Illustration alumnus and see their latest works!
The second exhibition opens only a week later and is, of course, the now biennial Botanica exhibition at the Sydney Royal Botanic Gardens. This year, due to some shuffling of schedules in 2020 due to Covid-19 it will be a combined 'Fungi X Botanica' Exhibition. There will still be the usual stunning botanical artwork on display but also, as can be seen by Rachel Klyve's beautiful painting above, a number of fascinating fungi artwork to be seen. All of the details for 'Fungi X Botanica' can be found here.
As always, all artwork is available to purchase at both exhibitions. If you are an admirer of fine, detailed and realistic nature art they really are wonderful opportunities to collect unique, original pieces for your home. And it makes a world of difference to the local artists creating them! Though whether you intend to shop or not, you have to admit that a meander through an art gallery filled with beautiful creations crafted by hand is always time well spent! Personally, I'm just glad whenever my work is being seen in a space outside of my studio shelving!
Thanks for reading! I hope I've inspired you to take a trip to one (or both?!) of these exhibitions! I might catch you there ;)