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I'm exhibiting in Botanica 2018!

Hooray! I have just been informed that for the fourth year in a row I will be exhibiting some of my botanical paintings in 'Botanica' at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney. It is an extra special surprise to me that my work shall be included this year as I had not expected to have any work prepared to even submit! But some last minute hustle resulted in three pieces finished off just in time and all three are going to be up on those walls!

The theme for this year is 'symbiosis' and all of the details for the opening night and showing times can be found here. I plan on being at the opening night myself so make sure you hunt me down to say 'hello' if you've got yourself a ticket to be there too! Its always a fun night of mingling with Australia's top botanical artists and admiring their latest works!

Speaking of which, the above image is a segment of Anne Hayes work 'Grevillea' that will also be showing at Botanica. I can't wait to see this one in person!



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