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My journey as a botanical artist so far...

Lauren May SK


As I am sure you have observed, my art has been taking a strong turn towards a botanical focus. In about 2 weeks I will be taking a large step towards growing my skills as a botanical artist in the form of a trip to America! I have got a drawing included in the 15th International Exhibition of Botanical Art and Illustration in Pittsburgh, and will also be attending the annual conference for the American Society of Botanical Artists that coincides with the exhibition. I am very excited for the opportunity to meet with other artists from around the world and to be able to receive tuition from the likes of Dianne Sutherland and Shevaun Doherty!

In other news, The Botanical Art Society of Australia were kind enough to choose me as their subject for the artist profile for the Spring Issue 2016! Have included a copy of the article below in case you are interested to read it. I feel it is a nice little sum up of my journey so far.

Lauren xx

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